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ST Steiner Fernglas T1042r 10x42, Reticle
Artikel-Nr.: ST 2006
CHF 899.00
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

The Steiner Optics reputation for combat-worthy performance, toughness and dependability was earned the hard way: in battlefield and tac ops situations around the world. These tactical binoculars reflect hard-won experience with features, ergonomics and visual excellence that are unsurpassed anywhere, and rugged reliability that can survive anything. Whether you need a pocket-sized compact for your gear bag or a full-sized model to spot for your shooter, the Tactical Series will serve you well.

Features the SUMR targeting reticle system, for a small, light binocular in a power to match newer 10x rifle scopes

  • Magnification 10x
  • Weight 0.75 kg (26.7 oz.)
  • Width 12.5 cm (4.9 in)
  • Height 16.7 cm (6.6 in)
  • Global Item no. 2006
  • U.S. Item no. 6508

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